Second batch of counselors trained on Infant and Young Child Feeding under 3-days residential TOT

All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, Raipur

A 3-days residential TOT on Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) was organized by SCoE4N, Department of Pediatrics, AIIMS Raipur between14th to 16th September 2023 for second batch of counselors from District Hospitals & Community Health Centers. Participants were trained through classroom sessions using PPTs, Videos and role plays. Hands-on training was conducted in the PNC ward and ANC, Pediatric OPD of AIIMS Raipur and Maternal & Child Hospital, Kalibadi, Raipur. With this training a total of 57 counselors have been trained on IYCF. These counselors are expected to enhance lactation counseling services in their respective IPD and OPD settings. These trained participants will also act as Master trainers who will undertake district level training under the MAA program.