
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, Raipur

The All India Institute of Medical Sciences Raipur (AIIMS Raipur) is committed to fostering a thriving research environment. To simplify the research proposal submission and review process, we are pleased to announce the Research Proposal Management System (RPMS).

What is RPMS?

RPMS is a user-friendly online portal designed to streamline the research proposal workflow for AIIMS Raipur faculty and researchers. This system allows you to:

  • Electronically submit your research proposals.
  • Track the progress of your submissions.
  • Access review comments from reviewers.
  • Maintain a centralized record of all your research proposals.

Benefits of Using RPMS:

  • Improved Efficiency: Effortless online submission saves time and simplifies the process.
  • Enhanced Transparency: Track the status of your proposal and access reviewer feedback conveniently.
  • Centralized Repository: Maintain a record of your research proposals in one secure location.

Getting Started with RPMS

[Click here to access the Research Proposal Management System AIIMS Raipur]

Research Proposal Management System AIIMS Raipur

We encourage all AIIMS Raipur researchers and faculty to leverage the RPMS platform for a more efficient and transparent research proposal management experience.

For any inquiries regarding RPMS, please contact:

Dean (Research)
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur