Department Detail

All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, Raipur

The Siddha System of Medicine (Traditional Tamil System of medicine), which has been prevalent in the ancient Tamil land (Tamil Nadu), is the foremost of all other medical systems in the world. Its origin goes back to B.C 10,000 to B.C 4,000. Siddha considers the human body as a conglomeration of three humours (Vatham, Pittam & Kapham), seven basic tissues and the waste products of the body such as feces, urine and sweat. The equilibrium of humours is considered as health and its disturbance or imbalance leads to disease or sickness. The diagnostic methodology in Siddha is unique as it is made purely on the basis of the clinical acumen of the physician. The pulse, skin, tongue, complexion, speech, eye, stools and urine are examined. This approach is collectively known as "Eight types of examination"; and among the eight, the examination of pulse is very important in confirming the diagnosis.

Siddha has developed a rich and unique treasure of drug knowledge in which use of metals and minerals is very much advocated. Drugs used by the Siddhars can be classified into three groups: Thaavaram (herbal product), Thaathu (inorganic substances), and Jangamam (animal products). Treatment consists of three distinct categories: Deva Maruthuvam, (divine method); Maanida Maruthuvam (rational method); and Asura Maruthuvam (surgical method). In the divine method, medicines like parpam, chenduram, guru, kuligai prepared from mercury, sulphur and pashanams are used. In the rational method, medicines prepared from herbs like churanam, kudineer, vadagam are used. In surgical method, incision, excision, heat application, bloodletting, leech application etc. are practiced. The therapeutic treatment in Siddha could be further categorized into Purgative therapy, Emetic therapy, Fasting therapy, Steam therapy, Oleation therapy, Physical therapy, Solar therapy and Blood letting therapy. There is also a branch of the traditional science called Varma, which is based on the notion of more than 100 vital points that are junctions of bones, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels and nerves called Varma points.

OPD Timings:
Mon – Thu: 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM & 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Fri – Sat: 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM


S No Name Email Designation Image
1 Dr. Atul Jindal Additional Professor
2 Dr. Tushar Bharat Jagzape Additional Professor
3 Dr. Manas Ranjan Sahoo Additional Professor
4 Dr. Tripty Naik Associate Professor
5 Dr. Jondhale Sunil Natha Associate Professor




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