Cervical cancer Awareness month-2025 was observed by College of Nursing, Department of Obstetrics & Genecology nursing, AIIMS Raipur, C.G & with collaboration of ECHO India on 27 th January 2025, based on the Theme: Empowering Prevention and Early Detection

All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, Raipur

REPORT ON CERVICAL CANCER AWARENESS PROGRAMME-2025 January is the Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, a time dedicated to spreading knowledge, encouraging preventative measures, and promoting early detection to combat one of the most preventable forms of cancer. This month offers an opportunity to raise awareness about cervical cancer while highlighting the steps individuals can take to reduce their risk and stay healthy. As part of this universal and such significant campaign, Cervical cancer Awareness month-2025 was observed by College of Nursing, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology nursing, AIIMS Raipur, C.G & with collaboration of ECHO India on 27 th January 2025, based on the Theme: “Empowering Prevention and Early Detection” The aim to provide the awareness and empower the general people to identify ways to prevent the occurrence of this life threatening disease & the warning signs for early detection and prompt treatment on time. An awareness programmer was organized by the students of 3 rd Year B.Sc (Hons) Nursing, M.Sc.Nursing 1 st year OBG speciality and Department of Obstetrics & Gynecologic Nursing. The programmer was inaugurated by Dr.Sarita Agrawal, Professor & HOD of OBG, Dean Research and Dr.Pushpawati, Professor, Deparment of OBG in ANC OPD at 10 AM .On this occasion creating awareness through posters presentation by the students of 3 rd Year B.Sc (Hons) Nursing & M.Sc.Nursing OBG speciality. Later on the afternoon session a CNE on cervical cancer awareness -2025 at 2:00pm-5:00pm in ECHO India platform by hybrid mode. Resources persons are Dr. Sarita Agrawal Professor & HOD of OBG, Dean Research, Dr.Pushpawati, Professor, Deparment of OBG, Dr.Sarita Rajbhar Additional Professor, Deparment of OBG from AIIMS Raipur and Ms.Mathangi Rama Krishnan, Head of Programs & Communication, CAPED India given the detailed information regarding screening, treatment modalities , HPV vaccine and recent initiatives of CAPED India and govt. of India about cervical cancer awareness. The complete programme was guided by Dr.Binu Mathew, Prof.cum Principal and the programme was organized by Mrs.Vahitha S, Lecturer, Mrs.Jissa Donel, Mrs,Bagavathi R., Dr.Hitesh Choudhary, Mrs.Bhoomika & Ms.Mitta rama devi. Activities succeeded in creating awareness about various aspects of cervical cancer for the general public, Reproductive age group and student nurses, Nursing Officers attended the CNE.