
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, Raipur


All Vendors are invited for empanelment of their firm in the registered vendor list of AIIMS Raipur. They can see the guidelines and application form available at this link Click here
S.No. Tender.No. Title Publishing Date Closing Date Download Corrigendum Status
981 AIIMS/R/CS/MS Office/17/481/OT Inviting Tender for Supply & Installation of Bed Side Locker for Hospital at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur (CG) 02-05-2019 20-06-2019 Download 12-06-2019corrigendum4.pdf

982 AIIMS/R/CS/ENT/364/18/OT/B Inviting Tender for “Supply of ENT Micro drilling System” For Department of ENT, at AIIMS,Raipur. 12-06-2019 08-07-2019 Download
983 AIIMS/R/CS/Radiotherapy/18/11912/OT Inviting Tender For Marker Free Patient Monitoring System in Radiotherapy Department at AIIMS,Raipur. 12-06-2019 02-07-2019 Download
984 AIIMS/R/CS/Bio/19/03-168/RC Inviting Tender for “Annual Rate Contract for supply of Reagent Kits and Calibrators for Beckman Fully Automated Anayzers (AU Series) for Department of Biochemistry” at AIIMS,Raipur. 11-06-2019 04-07-2019 Download
985 AIIMS/R/CS/Nu.Med./19/308/A/RC Inviting Tender for Annual Rate Contract for Supply of 18F FDG 100 mci and 18F FDG 150 mci for Nuclear Medicine Department at AIIMS,Raipur. 11-06-2019 29-06-2019 Download
986 AIIMS/R/HS/DEN_CONSUMABLE/2019/03/RC/ Notice Inviting Tender For One Year Rate Contract for Dental Consumable Item from ECL for DENTISTRY Department At All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur 10-06-2019 08-07-2019 Download
987 AIIMS/R/CS/Anaes/18/4025 Notice Inviting Tender for USG-Doppler Machine mounted on a portable trolley for Department of Anaesthesiology At All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur 07-06-2019 08-07-2019 Download
988 AIIMS/R/CS/ANAT/18/311/OT/A Inviting Tender For “Centrifuge and Thermal cycler" (2nd Call) For Anatomy Department at AIIMS,Raipur. 23-05-2019 12-06-2019 Download 07-06-2019CMCcentrifuge.pdf

989 AIIMS/R/CS/Orthopaedics/18/28224/OT Inviting Tender for Supply “Paediatric Spica table with components” for Department of Orthopaedics, at AIIMS Raipur 04-06-2019 29-06-2019 Download
990 AIIMS/R/CS/Orthopaedics/28215/OT Inviting Tender for Supply of “Bone Densitometer” for Department of Orthopaedics, at AIIMS Raipur 04-06-2019 29-06-2019 Download
991 AIIMS/R/CS/General Surgery/09-43/19/OT Inviting Tender For Supply & Installation of “1470 mm Laser Device (System)” for Department of General Surgery, at AIIMS Raipur 07-06-2019 04-07-2019 Download
992 AIIMS/R/CS/URO/18/13/OT/A Inviting Tender for (2nd Call) "Supply of Adult Lower tract instrument & Cysto-Resection (Monopolar and TURis) Set” for Urology Department" at AIIMS,Raipur. 07-06-2019 02-07-2019 Download
993 AIIMS/R/CS/CTVS/18/244/OT Inviting Tender for Supply & Installation of Syringe Infusion Pump for Department of Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery (CTVS) at AIIMS,Raipur. 16-05-2019 13-06-2019 Download 06-06-2019Corrigendum.pdf

994 AIIMS/R/CS/OBGY/2017/2585/OT Inviting Tender For "Caesarean and Hysterectomy Set" at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur 28-05-2019 11-06-2019 Download
995 AIIMS/R/CS/Neuro/18/289/OT Notice Inviting Tender For “Supply of Radiofrequency ablation” For Department of Neurosurgery At All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur. 01-06-2019 29-06-2019 Download
996 AIIMS/R/CS/Neuro/18/280/OT Inviting Tender For “Supply of Transcranial Doppler with Multi-Frequency Probe” For Department of Neurosurgery at AIIMS, Raipur. 30-05-2019 26-06-2019 Download
997 AIIMS/R/HS/PHARMACY/LIFESAVING/RC/001 Inviting Tender For "Annual Rate Contract of Drug & medicine (Lifesaving drugs) for IPD Services" at AIIMS, Raipur 08-05-2019 05-06-2019 Download 28-05-2019corrigendum.pdf

998 AIIMS/R/HS/Pharma/153/ Disinfectant/Antiseptic /2018/RC Notice Inviting Tender for Annual Rate Contract of Disinfectant/Antiseptic for IPD/OPD Services At All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur 09-04-2019 30-05-2019 Download 20-05-2019Date_extend_Corrigendum_2_(1).pdf

999 AIIMS/R/CS/Paedia./18/506/RC/B Inviting Tender for “Annual Rate Contract of Consumable Items (PICC Line 24G & PICC Line 28G) for Department of Paediatric" at AIIMS,Raipur 15-05-2019 06-06-2019 Download
1000 AIIMS/R/CS/Micro/18/55/A/OT Inviting Tender For Real Time PCR Machine for VRDL Project in Microbiology Department at AIIMS,Raipur. 13-05-2019 06-06-2019 Download